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ysladmin 2024-06-19 人已围观

简介西安旅游攻略英文_西安旅游攻略英文版       在接下来的时间里,我将尽力回答大家关于西安旅游攻略英文的问题,希望我的解答能够给大家带来一些思考。关于西安旅游攻略英文的话题,我们开始讲解吧。1.???????ι???Ӣ??2.西安的名胜古迹的英文名称及介绍









       would you like to pay a visit to my hometown xi'an at the beginning of August? we can go to the bell tower, the Terra-Cotta Warriors, the ancient city walls and Huaqing Hot Spring for sightseeing. I will pick you up at the train station and show you around.


       The Bell Tower, is a stately traditional building, that marks the geographical center of the ancient capital. From this important landmark extend East, South, West and North Streets, connecting the Tower to the East, South, West and North Gates of the City Wall of the Ming Dynasty.

       The wooden tower, which is the largest and best-preserved of its kind in China, is 36 meters (118 feet) high. It stands on a brick base 35.5 meters (116.4 feet) long and 8.6 meters (28.2 feet) high on each side. During the Ming Dynasty, Xian was an important military town in Northwest China, a fact that is reflected in the size and historic significance of its tower.





       4.四角攒尖的楼顶按对角线构筑四条垂脊,从 檐角到楼顶逐渐收分,使得金顶稳重庄严。楼上琉璃瓦的板瓦之间扣以筒瓦,以铜质瓦河固定,更使建筑稳固结实,成为浑然一 体的建筑艺术珍品。(复制成功。哔………………………………)


       西安的名胜古迹很多拉,不知道要知道那些,我简单说几个吧。museum of terra cotta warriors and horses;mausoleum of emperor qin shi huang;city wall;banpo village remains;mt huashan;bell tower;drum tower ;etc.


       XIAN QINLING WILDLIFE PARK is the first northwest wildlife park. It’s 28 kilometers away from urban in xi’an. It has more than 300 kinds of animals and including animals, birds, amphibians and reptiles.


       Animal exhibition has been divided into the driving and the walking area .The walking area is located in the western half of the zoo, covers of 130000 square meters and construction area of 16000 square meters. There has the big panda, golden monkey, hippo , kangaroo, elephant and the parrot gallery, swan lake in the Animal pavilion.


       The transportation is so convenient in this park .because the electric power car can instead of walking. It also has special restaurant, amusement park, and other recreational facilities, it’s the collection of wild animals protection, science education, tourism and other functions in an comprehensive landscape projects; it’s worth to spend taking holiday in this wonderful place for everyone !


       Last Chinese New Year. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to xian by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“liu,mei, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy
