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简介热门景点的英语短语怎么写_热门景点的英语短语怎么写的       好久不见了各位,今天我想跟大家探讨一下关于“热门景点的英语短语怎么写”的问题。如果你还不了解这方面的内容,那么这篇文章就是为你准备的,请跟我一起来探索一下。1.用



1.用十句英语介绍你旅游景点 英语介绍一个旅游景点



4.介绍国外著名旅游景点英语 介绍国外著名旅游景点英语翻译


用十句英语介绍你旅游景点 英语介绍一个旅游景点


       马上就要到暑假了,不知道同学们接下来有没有和家长一起出行旅游的计划。下面我用英文为大家介绍推荐几个国内旅游的热门景点,欢迎大家阅读 收藏 。


       China's Great Wall is in the human history of civilization the greatest architectural engineering, it builds more than 2000 year ago Spring and Autumn Period Warring States times, after the Qin dynasty unifies China, connects the Great Wall. The Chinese, the bright two generations once massively constructed. Vast its project, grandness imposing manner, being possible be called world miracle. Roll on, the thing is the human must, now you when mounted in former days Great Wall's ruins, not only could witness that meandered in the hills high mountains Great Wall grand appearance, but could also understand the Chinese nation creation history great wisdom and courage. the 1987 year in December Great Wall is included "World heritage Name list".


       Summer Palace is one of the biggest and beautiful royal garden. It is also one of the royal heritage which is kept well. It was established in1764,and has290 hectare. During Summer, the Emperor will go there for relax, to avoid the high temperature in the Forbidden City. In the Summer Palace ,it has a Kunming lake and Longevity Hill. We can veiling a boat in the Kunming Lake, or climb the Longevity Hill to visit the Chinese temple which on the mountain. It is a nice place for us to visit and tdce rest.


       The Kunlun Mountain Pass is a very important onealong the Qinghai-Tibet highway at the altitude of 4 757 meters.In this area, there are many snow peaks and mountains.In June,the Spring brings green to trees,grass andflowers blossom everywhere in Golumd but at theKunlun Mountain Pass,it is snowing heavily so that it has become the unique natural scenery of Golumd.During July to August, The Kunlun Mountain Pass becomes a green and blossom place for tourists.


       Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed "Aerial Garden" for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants.

        Renowned as a huge natural zoo, Xishuangbanna's rain forest and monsoon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals. Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering.

        Thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the green peacocks, which to the Dai people are a symbol of peace, happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame. The region has 5,000 kinds of plants or about one-sixth of the total in China. This has earned it the renown and sobriquet "The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants".

        Among these are such fascinating ones as the "color-changing flower" whose colors change three times daily and the "dancing herb" whose leaves rotate gently. Then there is "mysterious fruit" which reverse tastes, turning sour to sweet.

        Species of trees that go back a million years are still propagating themselves. The "King of Tea Trees ,"which authorities say is at least 800 years old, continues to sprout, adding extraordinary splendor to the homeland of the famous Pu'er tea. In Xishuangbanna, there is a saying: "Even a single tree can make a forest and an old stalk can blossom and beat fruit ."



       Chengdu, located in Sichuan Province, is a beautiful place.


       The city is exquisitely decorated and well-designed, attracting a large number of tourists every year.


       Chengdu has a large number of tourist attractions, such as Wangjiang Park, dujiangba, etc. these attractions are easy to reach, and the cost is not high.


       And with the rapid development of economy, Chengdu has become an international metropolis.


       Why don't you come to this magical city to have a rest and have a look at the beautiful scenery?





       Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.


       Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.


       Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.


       Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits




       adj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的

       n. 风景胜地;风景照片


       This is an extremely scenic part of America.



       n. 旅行者,观光客

       adj. 旅游的

       vt. 在旅行参观

       vi. 旅游;观光

       adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱





       优美的旅游景点能让人流连忘返,你知道怎么用英语 句子 来介绍景点吗?下面我为大家带来介绍景点的常用英语句子,欢迎大家学习。


       spring is a lot of rain,summer is hot,autumn is the best season in a year,it is cool and busy ,winter is cold and sonetimes snowy.


        That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.


        The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.


        Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.


        This extraordinary natural preserve shelters a primeval forest, the continent’s largest population of brown bears, sizeable packs of wolves, and a host of other creatures which have all but disappeared elsewhere



        A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon, a distant place modelling is being plain, color harmonious hut, a school of beautiful moving rural scenery!


        An ancient windmill, windmill's wind leaf opens likely the wing, rotates against the wind, with the green grass, the wild flower constituted the unique view this fairy tale world addition mysterious color!





        A right color bright, fine gorgeous, is drafting the happy love sabot likely! Also has that magnificent tulip to fall the season which innumerable sweetheart ...... the tulip smells as sweet, the tender and beautiful charming girl's smiling face like flower passes on fragrantly ......

        Spooky bund, windmill, green grass, den, satisfied prosperous curcuma fragrant flowers field, intermittent fragrant, windmill long extension! This is the dream?




        The high construction is also one kind of artware, is classical, is graceful, looks like a rich paint color painting! everywhere is filling the green, is also fluttering including the air green grass taste all around green and glossy, the green startled colorful, the windmill also stops down, is infatuated with in the beautiful scene ......


        Spring renews the earth.


        The country is very green in spring

        The flower looks like an angel, unfolded in the wind, under the sun


        I am deeply impressed/attracted by the scene before me.

        Once three years ago, I went to Qingdao, three years later when I again set foot on this piece of land of Qingdao, I was deeply attracted by her beauty, such as the one after an absence of long-lover ... ...


        golden butterfly you! whom you are dancing in it not smile flowers, grasses lost their luster. oh, i see, you are in the garden that little daisy eyes.


        however, some of them try to make good use of their vacations in gaining their working experiences in summer.

        summer is the second season in a year. it is between spring and autumn. the sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world.

        autumn, the ripe fruit. the pears, the bright red apples, is the sparkling grape. a cool breeze blowing, fruit child nodded, emitting a scent attractive children.


        all in all, i love summer very much! you should start practicing your english from now on.

        the rain was killing the last days of summer,you had been killing my last breath of love, since a long time ago.


        that is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.


        the trees were naked during autumn.


        Summer is the second season in a year. It is between sprin


       “景点”或“景区”一词是导游资料和导游词中经常出现的词,其原义是“风景美丽的地点(地区)”(英文是scenic spot或scenic area);但是,现在人们习惯把所有旅游者去看的地方都称为“景点”或“景区”,我们一些导游也不加区别通译成 scenic spot 或 scenic area。深圳“中国民俗文化村是一个(荟萃中国56个民族的民间艺术、民族风情和民居建筑于一园的)大型文化游览区”。这句话有人译成“The China Folk Culture Villageis alarge-scale cultural tourscenic area(comprising one gardenassembling folk arts, local conditions and customs and local-style dwelling houses of 56ethnic groups)”。深圳民俗文化村明明是一个“文化游览区”,怎么可以说成“scenic area”?广州越秀公园中山纪念碑下有一块市政园林局竖立的中英文标志:优秀管理景点;英文是“Excellently Managed Scenic Spot”;河源苏家围客家村里有很多中英文对照的路标,写着“下一景点:某某;Next Scenic Spot:...”。中山纪念碑、苏家围的苏公祠和光化堂又怎能说是scenic spot 呢?不要以为一个单词使用不当问题不大,如果导游带团去参观的是自由市场他也说“The next scenic spot we are going to see is a free market”那就是个不小的笑话了。所以,英语里表达相当于现在人们所说的“景点”的词有很多,必须根据不同情况采取不同的译法,例如:

       一、Tourist attraction(Sth. which attracts tourists):

       近年来盘龙峡已成为广东的一个热门的旅游景点。(In resent years, the Panlong Gorge has become a tourist attraction in Guangdong Province.)

       二、Tourist resort(a place visited frequently or by large numbers):

       a. 北带河是一个著名的海滨避暑圣地。(Beidaihe is a well-known seaside and summer resort.)

       b. 从化温泉是个疗养区。(The Conghua Hot Spring is a health resort.)

       三、 Destination(a place to which a person is going or which a person wants to reach.):

       我们半小时后上车前往下一个景点。(Half an hour later, we’ll meet in the bus and leave for the next destination.)

       四、 Sight(sth. worth seeing, esp. a place visited by tourists; a view of spectacle.):

       a. 去车站之前我们先看一两个景点。(Before going to the train station, we’ll see one or two sights in the city.)

       b. 美国的大峡谷是世界八大奇观之一。(The Grand Canyon in the United States is one of the eight sights of the world.)

       c. 羊城八景(The Eight Sights of the Goat City)

       d. 景点的讲解员也称“景点导游”,英文是“establishment guide”,不能说“scenic-spot guide”。


       上海著名景点的英文:Famous Scenic Spots in Shanghai

       Spot 读法 英 [sp?t] 美 [spɑ?t]?





       1、bright spot?光点;辉点;高兴的事

       2、a spot of?少量的;一点儿

       3、spot market?现货市场

       4、top spot?榜首;最高位置

       5、on spot?现场;在现场



       site, position, location, scene, situation, spot这组词都有“地点、位置、场所”的意思,其区别是:








       location 读法 英?[l?(?)'ke?(?)n]?美?[lo'ke?n]?

       n. 位置(形容词locational);地点;外景拍摄场地


       1、central location?中央位置;[计]中央单元

       2、target location?n. 目标位置,目标定位;目标搜索

       3、location theory?区位论;位置理论

       4、storage location?存储单元;存储位置

       5、current location?当前位置

介绍国外著名旅游景点英语 介绍国外著名旅游景点英语翻译

       秦始皇陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang

       兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and horses/Terra-cotta Army

       青铜战车战马bronze chariots and horses


       临潼区Lintong District

       大雁塔Big Wild Goose Pagoda

       丝绸之路the Silk Road

       敦煌 Dunhuang

       敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes / Caves, Dunhuang

       千佛洞Thousand-Buddha Cave

       壁画murals / fresco

       佛经Buddhist Sutra

       塔里木盆地Tarim Basin

       土鲁番 Turpan

       华清池 Huaqing Hot Springs

       河西走廊 Hexi Corridor

       昆山市 city of Kunshan

       帕米尔山区Pamir Mountainous Region

       三峡 Three Gorges

       月牙泉 Crescent Spring

       桂林 Guilin

       阳朔 Yangshuo

       板石街 (又名 “西洋街”)Slabstone Street, also known as “the Western Street”

       象鼻山 Elephant Trunk Hill

       独秀峰the peak of unique beauty

       七星岩the seven star crag

       叠彩山 Piled Silk Hill

       骆驼山 Camel Hill

       漓江游 cruise on the Li River

       三山晓色 three Hill at Dawn

       青峰倒影 Green Peaks Reflected on Water


       世界上有着许许多多的著名旅游景点,这些景点用英语该如何说呢,下面是我整理的一些世界著名旅游景点名称, 希望对大家有帮助。

       世界著名旅游景点名称:Asia 亚洲

       Great Wall, China


        Forbidden City, Beijing, China


        The Himalayas


        Mount Fuji, Japan


        Taj Mahal, India


        Angkor Wat, Cambodia


        Bali, Indonesia


        Borobudur, Indonesia


        Sentosa, Singapore


        Crocodile Farm, Thailand


        Pattaya Beach, Thailand


        Babylon, Iraq


        Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey


        世界著名旅游景点名称:Africa 非洲

       Suez Canal, Egypt


        Aswan High Dam, Egypt


        Nairobi National Park, Kenya


        Cape of Good Hope, South Africa


        Sahara Desert


        Pyramids, Egypt


        The Nile, Egypt




        Great Barrier Reef


        Sydney Opera House, Australia


        Ayers Rock


        Mount Cook


        Easter Island


        世界著名旅游景点名称:Europe 欧洲

       Notre Dame de Paris, France


        Effiel Tower, France


        Arch of Triumph, France


        Elysee Palace, France


        Louvre, France


        Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany


        Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy


        Colosseum in Rome, Italy


        Venice, Italy


        Parthenon, Greece


        Red Square in Moscow, Russia


        Big Ben in London, England


        Buckingham Palace, England


        Hyde Park, England


        London Tower Bridge, England


        Westminster Abbey, England


        Monte Carlo, Monaco


        The Mediterranean


        世界著名旅游景点名称:The Americas 美洲

       Niagara Falls, New York State, USA




        Honolulu, Hawaii, USA


        Panama Canal


        Yellowstone National Park, USA


        Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA


        Times Square, New York City, USA


        The White House, Washington DC., USA


        World Trade Center, New York City, USA


        Central Park, New York City, USA


        Yosemite National Park, USA


        Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA


        Hollywood, California, USA


        Disneyland, California, USA


        Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


        Miami, Florida, USA


        Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA


        Acapulco, Mexico


        Cuzco, Mexico



        1. 国内旅游景点英语导游词

       2. 旅游英语专业介绍

       3. 旅游景点英文介绍

       4. 旅游英语:石林旅游景点英语介绍

       5. 与“旅行”相关的英语词汇的用法

       6. 景点用英语怎么说


       马上就要到暑假了,不知道同学们接下来有没有和家长一起出行旅游的计划。下面我用英文为大家介绍推荐几个国内旅游的热门景点,欢迎大家阅读 收藏 。


       China's Great Wall is in the human history of civilization the greatest architectural engineering, it builds more than 2000 year ago Spring and Autumn Period Warring States times, after the Qin dynasty unifies China, connects the Great Wall. The Chinese, the bright two generations once massively constructed. Vast its project, grandness imposing manner, being possible be called world miracle. Roll on, the thing is the human must, now you when mounted in former days Great Wall's ruins, not only could witness that meandered in the hills high mountains Great Wall grand appearance, but could also understand the Chinese nation creation history great wisdom and courage. the 1987 year in December Great Wall is included "World heritage Name list".


       Summer Palace is one of the biggest and beautiful royal garden. It is also one of the royal heritage which is kept well. It was established in1764,and has290 hectare. During Summer, the Emperor will go there for relax, to avoid the high temperature in the Forbidden City. In the Summer Palace ,it has a Kunming lake and Longevity Hill. We can veiling a boat in the Kunming Lake, or climb the Longevity Hill to visit the Chinese temple which on the mountain. It is a nice place for us to visit and tdce rest.


       The Kunlun Mountain Pass is a very important onealong the Qinghai-Tibet highway at the altitude of 4 757 meters.In this area, there are many snow peaks and mountains.In June,the Spring brings green to trees,grass andflowers blossom everywhere in Golumd but at theKunlun Mountain Pass,it is snowing heavily so that it has become the unique natural scenery of Golumd.During July to August, The Kunlun Mountain Pass becomes a green and blossom place for tourists.


       Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed "Aerial Garden" for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants.

        Renowned as a huge natural zoo, Xishuangbanna's rain forest and monsoon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals. Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering.

        Thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the green peacocks, which to the Dai people are a symbol of peace, happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame. The region has 5,000 kinds of plants or about one-sixth of the total in China. This has earned it the renown and sobriquet "The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants".

        Among these are such fascinating ones as the "color-changing flower" whose colors change three times daily and the "dancing herb" whose leaves rotate gently. Then there is "mysterious fruit" which reverse tastes, turning sour to sweet.

        Species of trees that go back a million years are still propagating themselves. The "King of Tea Trees ,"which authorities say is at least 800 years old, continues to sprout, adding extraordinary splendor to the homeland of the famous Pu'er tea. In Xishuangbanna, there is a saying: "Even a single tree can make a forest and an old stalk can blossom and beat fruit ."

       国外旅游景点 英文名称

















       美国各大旅游景点 中英文 要著名的

       1、夏威夷(Hawaii State)



       2、纽约(New York City)

       纽约市(New York City,简称NYC),位于美国纽约州东南部大西洋沿岸,是美国第一大城市及第一大港口,纽约都市圈为世界上最大的城市圈之一,与英国伦敦、中国香港并称为“纽伦港”(Nylonkong)。纽约与伦敦并列为全世界最顶级的国际大都市。2018年11月,纽约被GaWC评为Alpha++级世界一线城市。

       3、拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)

       拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) 是美国内华达州最大的城市,克拉克县的县治,也是座享有极高国际声誉的城市。



       4、洛杉矶(Los Angeles)



       5、尼亚加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls)

       尼亚加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls)位于加拿大安大略省和美国纽约州的交界处,瀑布源头为尼亚加拉河,主瀑布位于加拿大境内,是瀑布的最佳观赏地;在美国境内瀑布由月亮岛隔开,观赏的是瀑布侧面。



       1,Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山


       2,Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵

       泰姬陵(Taj Mahal ),是印度知名度最高的古迹之一,世界文化遗产,被评选为“世界新七大奇迹”。位于印度北方邦的阿格拉(Agra)城内,亚穆纳河右侧。由殿堂、钟楼、尖塔、水池等构成,全部用纯白色大理石建筑,用玻璃、玛瑙镶嵌,具有极高的艺术价值。

       3,Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟

       吴哥窟(Angkor Wat),又称吴哥寺,位于柬埔寨,被称作柬埔寨国宝,是世界上最大的庙宇,同时也是世界上最早的高棉式建筑。吴哥窟原始的名字是Vrah Vishnulok,意思为“毗湿奴的神殿”,中国佛学古籍称之为“桑香佛舍”。

       4,Bali, Indonesia_《饶嵛餮前屠宓

